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Homestay is a safe, affordable, all-inclusive accommodation option, and living with a local family adds a valuable layer to your experience and education in Canada.

CHN’s expectations for both hosts and students are clearly laid out in our Student Participation Agreement (SPA), which you must read, sign, and discuss with your hosts as part of our application and onboarding process. The SPA is a blueprint for making the most of your homestay experience in Canada.

To learn more about homestay and how it can fit into your Canadian adventure, please watch the following video.

Canada Homestay Network
Homestay Application
Our high school programs in Vancouver, Burnaby, North Vancouver, New Westminster and Richmond are currently full as well as our Lethbridge adult program. Please email if you have questions.
Please use English characters to fill the following mandatory fields
You must agree to our 'student participation agreement' to continue.
student participation agreement accepted.